Wednesdays @ Mansfield

Venue Location

The Eagles Sports Complex: 4 Weedon St, Mansfield  4122

Directions: To access Weedon Street you must turn onto the Gateway Motorway on ramp from Mt. Gravatt-Capalaba Rd heading North. Weedon Street runs left almost immediately after getting on to the on ramp.

Please ensure you double check directions.

Key Information

  • Key Contact: Tim Swan – 0403 604 190

Wildcard Format

  1. All non-grand finalists are eligble.
  2. Team with highest positive differential (F-A) over the next two weeks will WIN $100 OFF NEXT SEASON.
  3. Gamescores in week 11 are doubled.

Grand Final Prizes

Mens 1:  PENGUINS – Medallions + $125 OFF Summer 2014 Season

Mens 2:  MASSIVE DUDS – Medallions + $100 OFF Summer 2014 Season


Mansfield Wednesday End of Season Write-Up

The Winter Action 6 season at Mansfield was arguably the best to date with 16 enthusiastic, energetic and ecliptic teams taking the field week in week in.

Mens 1

The Mens competition was an enthralling affair over the course of the season with a host of talented and determined teams vying for the title of Premiers.

In the ultimate game of the season, Guacamole and Penguins faced off in what was a highly anticipated Grand Final that definitely did not let any of the spectators down. There was very little to separate the teams over the 40mins of regular time thanks to some extremely strong marking by Guacamole’s Jesse Way on Penguins go-to forward Hua. Penguins had pretty much built their game around long balls to the big man but with him being shut down so effectively they were forced to find other ways through a very well disciplined Guacamole defense. Meanwhile, missing key striker Raz was proving a pinch point for Guacamole who were struggling to score their customary long range goal and showed signed of frustration at times. With the 40mins of regular time exhausted, the teams entered Golden Goal extra time. This is where the best football of the game came to the fore when both teams went all out trying to crack the winner. In the end it came down to a spectacular low cross and a deft finish from the Penguins’ ‘Chen’ (a.k.a Stevie G) to seal the game for the Penguins. Songy’s boys made it two in a row but once again Guacamole proved why they are still one of the most dominant teams in the competition pushing Penguins all the way despite a slightly depleted line up. With new teams coming into the competition next season, Mens 1 could be a whole new ball game and it will remain to be seen if these two make it this far over summer!

Semi Finalists Straya and Dragons F.C both produced some great football over the course of the winter season. Once again Scotty L led Straya with plenty of passion and commitment to a well-earned semi-final against a team that they have a great rivalry with. This time it was again the Guacomole boys who held the wood over them but a one goal margin suggests just how close the competition was. Meanwhile Kite’s Dragons F.C pushed the eventual premiers to extra time in their semi-final encounter before an unfortunate own-goal sunk their hopes late in ET. Dragons have been one of the most consistent teams at the venue since signing up only two seasons ago and will be a force in summer again.

Outside the top 4 but really impressing in their debut season was Straight Up. Impressive grading games saw these guys in the top flight division where they game a really good account of themselves. In fact I personally think Dave’s men had one of the best passing games in the competition and with a bit more luck in front of goals could have really challenged the likes of Guacomole. Impressive start from these guys and I’m looking forward to seeing how they go over summer.

Park the Bus produced some attractive football over the course of the season. 3 draws was testament to how close the competition proved to be and these narrowly missed out on causing some upset results. Brent and the boys showed plenty of character to bounce back after a slow start and I was thoroughly impressed the way they played right through to their week 11 game with Unathletico where they gave it a red hot crack. For my mind, Rico was one of the standout players in this team as he has a knack of getting past defense with some silky foot and hand work! Great showing from these guys over winter!

Casuals F.C were one of the standout teams for me. Not only did they show plenty of guts and determination on the paddock but their post-game beverages and social attitude to the competition off the paddock complemented their nature on the Action 6 field of dreams! Tommy and the guys will be looking forward to potential relegation when summer rolls around where they’ll definitely give it a good crack.

Unathletico FC put up a hell of a fight in the Mens 1 competition. Boasting players from almost all the continents, this truly international squad held their own against far more fancied opponents and suffered only one loss by more than one goal over the course of the season. Really coming into form this winter was JT who held their defense together better than glue. Also hitting some late season form was Clint who managed to seal the winner in the week 11 game against Park the Bus. While Russ could find where he packed the Golden Boot in his kit back from last season, he still put in a great effort week in week out. Jakey was also hitting some great attacking and defending form this winter and will be a lynchpin come summer.

Mens 2

The Massive Duds and S.C.U.M FC had differing paths into the GF with S.C.U.M having to play a nail-biting extra time semi against a determined Team Dangerous while the Massive Duds turned around a week 9 loss to topple a strong Dragons FC B outfit.

It counted for little in the ultimate game of the season as both teams came out of the blocks flying with some classy football resulting in the game being drawn 1-1 at the conclusion of regular time. The Massive Duds might have been missing key mid-fielder M.Leask to the trappings of a North American sojourn, but they were showing true grit to maintain the form that took them to the major final. Using their tall man Matt ‘Lacina Traore’ Whalley as decoy for the lob cross, they were able to work the ball into good areas over the course of the first half. Meanwhile Leo and Matty Campbell were tireless as always in the midfield with the occasional breakaway up front.  S.C.U.M were showing exactly why they deserved to be there with tight defense and handy counter attacking.

With only a couple of minutes on the clock in extra time, a determined run down the middle saw a three on one in favor of the Massive Duds and skipper Matty C wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to bury the ball in the back of the net! After an almost 2 year premiership drought, celebrations were justifiably exuberant from the Duds. For S.C.U.M FC it was a heartbreaking loss after they had done the same thing to Team Dangerous the week before in the semi-finals! Som and the boys will no doubt bounce back and they can definitely take out a title in this division over summer!

While Team Dangerous don’t play the most aesthetically appealing style of football, they managed to get the job done more weeks than not! Having seen the way these guys play first hand, they have great team comradery and always chase back when another team member makes an error. A really solid win against Dragons FC B in week 11 will give Brendan and the boys plenty of momentum moving into the summer season!

Dragons FC B played some great football over the winter season and should really have made it through to the GF on paper. Having beaten the Massive Duds in week 9, they came up against them in the Semi-Final the following week in a 1 v 4 showdown that looked for all money like they would get through in a canter. It wasn’t to be however as the Duds but up a polished performance. Kiet and the guys are really developing the B squad into a tight unit and they will be stronger for the experience.

Pussy Patrol were only slightly off the pace of making the top four when the round games were done and dusted and Eric and the boys would could almost have scraped in if not for a draw in week 7 against the eventual Premiers Massive Duds. There is plenty of potential within this squad and I thoroughly believe they’ll be force in the summer season.

Pho King Special defied even their own expectations this season getting some really good results on the board. Minus their skipper Hung, the boys really hit their straps when the skipper was on his honeymoon. Coincidence?? All jokes aside, these boys turned things around once they got rid of their dud keeper (cough). A good effort from a team on the rise!

You Reckon United are already talking up some big changes for summer after a self-declared baron winter campaign. Andy will be getting some of the originals back for the next season and there is a real belief they will be back to their best in no time at all. Having basically split into 4 teams over the winter season, there was a bit of a decentralization of talent but I’m quietly confident that Super Captain/Manager Andy will turn it around in a few weeks!

What the Average Goals lacked in wins; they certainly made up for in enthusiasm and determination and in my opinion really didn’t deserve the wooden spoon this season. In fact I saw some really promising signs when their key forward nailed probably one of the goals of the season into the top right hand corner in a week 10 belter of a Minor Placing game. With Matty S taking over from Jordan over summer, I am very optimistic about these guys skyrocketing up the ranks.

Thanks to all teams who played this season of Action 6. There is a big influx of new teams and the distinct possibility of three divisions over summer. Join up now at

Tim Swan – Action 6 General Manager


Wildcard Ladder:

Team P A F-A
Casuals FC 2 10 6 4
Pho King Special 2 6 3 3
Straya 2 4 1 3
Unathletico F.C 2 4 2 2
Pussy Patrol 2 5 4 1
Team Dangerous 2 2 1 1
Park The Bus 2 2 2 0
You Reckon United 2 4 5 -1
Average Goals 2 3 6 -3
Dragons FC B Team 2 2 6 -4
Dragons FC 2 0 5 -5
Straight Up 2 4 10 -6