Wednesdays @ Mansfield

Venue Location

The Eagles Sports Complex: 4 Weedon St, Mansfield  4122

GAMES FOR 05.02.2014 on wards will be at Eagles Sports Complex. 

Directions: To access Weedon Street you must turn onto the Gateway Motorway on ramp from Mt. Gravatt-Capalaba Rd heading North. Weedon Street runs left almost immediately after getting on to the on ramp.

Please ensure you double check directions.

 Key Information

  • Key Contact: Tim Swan – 0403 604 190
  • Competition Format: Games will count from Week 3 onwards. There will be two divisions. 
  • PLAYER REGISTRATION: ALL players will need to sign the Team Registration Form for Week 1 to be covered for insurance and to be eligible for finals.
  • EXTRA BALL POLICY: To minimize delays and disruptions, we expect each team to bring a Size 5 ball to each game. Action 6 will always provide balls however if every team brings an extra ball games will flow much better. Please ensure you name your ball clearly.
  • SHIN GUARDS: ALL players must wear shin guards. Referees will check shin guards before commencement of game.
  • UNIFORMS: Teams have until Week 4 to sort out a Uniform. For at least week 1, please ensure your team is in the same colour.
  • Please note that the Goal Keeper must be in a different colour jersey to the rest of the team. REFEREES WEAR FLURO YELLOW. Please avoid this colour.
  • Finals: All teams play games in the Final weeks (Weeks 10&11). Only players registered by Week 8 are eligible for Finals.

Wildcard Format 

  1. All non-grand finalists are eligble.
  2. Team with highest positive differential (F-A) over the next two weeks will WIN $100 OFF NEXT SEASON.
  3. Gamescores in week 11 are doubled. 


Mens 1:  Salsa! : Medallions, $125 OFF Next Season 

Mens 2:  Get Staffed: Medallions, $100 OFF Next Season 


Wildcard: Football Friends: $100 off next season

Wildcard Ladder:

Team P A F-A
Football Friends 2 11 3 8
S.Cells 2 9 2 7
Massive Duds 2 5 2 3
Scripters 2 11 11 0
Penguins 2 9 12 -3
Men In Black 2 1 6 -5
Ball Busters 2 2 9 -7
Bin Juice 2 0 11 -11

Action 6 Mansfield Wednesday End of Season Write – Up


Mens 1

In a sign of the growing popularity of the Action 6 competition this season, the twelve teams competing were split into Mens 1 and Mens 2 divisions. With a host of talented teams, the Mens 1 division proved to be a cut above the rest and there was some fantastic Action 6 football played.

Grand Final

Battling it out for top honors were the well deserved Salsa! and Norfolk-in-Chance. Two of the dominant teams over the past two seasons, their contrasting styles made for a tantalizing match up in the ultimate game of the season.

Missing their key defenders, Norfolk were always going to be vulnerable at the back and that’s exactly the way the opening half started with Salsa! getting on the board early and looking comfortable over the first 20mins. Salsa!’s main strikes were doing the damage as they had been the whole season but some second half lapses in defense saw a spirited fight back by Ollie and his men. Free flowing Action 6 ensured in the final stanza of play but in the end the result went 4-2 to Radcliff’s Salsa! as they become the first back to back winners in Action 6 history.

The Best of the Rest

BinJuice once again showed that through determination and a bit of luck, anything is possible in Action 6 as Staples’ men once again produced the goods to sneak into the semis. These guys were in really solid form throughout the whole competition and I like their consistency to the Liverpool of old. A tough semi-final against Salsa! where they through everything at the eventual premiers didn’t see them progress and the bowed out with plenty of new fans. These guys are a finals winning team of the future and I hope to see them again in Autumn.

Bottom line-If the Penguins had the same 6 or 7 blokes on the Action 6 paddock week in week out, they’d win this competition! Such is the experience of these guys and the dominance of their striker up front that I really couldn’t see them being beating in a GF. That said though, they just lacked key personnel at crucial moments in the season, including the semi.  I’m really looking forward to seeing  Tian inject some new talent to the squad for the autumn Action 6 season  and seeing how far they can go!

Scripters once again played out of their skin this season. These guys are primed for a tilt and the premiership next season with some of the most individually talented players getting around. Combine this with a team that works really hard for each other and you’ve got a title winning team in the making. Brody and the boys should be very keen on their chances next season and they are my tip to go one better in autumn.

Football Friends, playing their first Action 6 season, were a really good addition to the competition and proved they will be a force of the future. With Spigsy keeping goals, these guys always threatened the top teams in their clashes and finished the season strongly with a couple of good wins. Plenty of strength and height in their key strikers (including the likes of J. Fishcer) make these guys a handful for opponents and I’m looking forward to seeing if they can make finals next season.

Mens 2

Grand Final

It was the GF that had to be but almost didn’t- You Reckon United v Get Staffed. The two teams who had finished 1 and 2 respectively at the conclusion of round games were both incredibly lucky to sneak into the finals after escaping with scoreless extra time period semi-finals to secure their spot in the GF. There was a healthy amount of rivalry going into this game with the team’s previous result being a tight 3-1 win to You Reckon United.  The Grand Final was more of the same with defensive Action 6 giving way to fast flowing counter-attacking football that the fans were there to see. Some tight reffing decisions kept both teams on their best behavior throughout the match and the score line reflected the tightness of the game. With Get Staffed ahead late in the game, Jeff and the You Reckon United guys threw everything at their opponents in the dying stages of the game but just couldn’t past a determined Scotty in front of the Get Staffed Goals. A 2-1 win was worthy of the game and both teams should be really proud of the effort they produced to make it that far.

Best of the Rest

Men In Black and the Massive Duds, both new squads to the Action 6 lineup this season, produced some really fighting efforts this season to secure semi-final spots. Matty Campbell’s Massive Duds, who are well known around the Brisbane social sporting scene, definitely proved they can produce the goods across codes and nearly snatched an unlikely Grand Final appearance when they forced their semi-final to extra time. Unable to snare a golden goal however they were bundled out but rebounded the following week to record a good win in their wildcard game.

For the Men In Black they were definitely a force to be reckoned with and similarly to the Massive Duds, almost produced a miracle in their semi-final to progress. Leo and the boys were one of the most dedicated squads at the venue and there is no doubt in my mind that these guys won’t get a premiership sometime in the near future. With plenty of players from the ‘old country’ giving some international flair, they’ve got the skills to dominate in the Action 6 format. I’ll be keeping a close eye on these guys over autumn.

The S.Cells were unlucky to miss out on the finals. Plenty of new faces in the squad this season with the likes of super recruits Benno, Russ and Scotty battling it out for both the Golden Boot and the Johnny Warren players player award! Great inputs as always from stalwarts Benny, Matty and Jake saw the team get some good wins and Tzong was also a key asset. Big things on the cards for these guys over the coming months!

They might not have won many games, but there is no denying the Ball Busters are one of my favourite teams in Action 6. A squad that is far from natural Footballers, these guys never shy away from a challenge and actually held Football Friends almost scoreless in the first half of their wildcard game in the ultimate week of the competition. Cal and Blake, the drivers behind the squad, are also two of the stars of the team. A bit of work with the aerial ball and Cal in particular could be the next Peter Crouch! I’m hoping we see these guys back again in autumn as they add a heap to the comp!

Tim Swan – Action 6 General Manager