Wednesday @ Mansfield

Venue Location

The Eagles Sports Complex: 4 Weedon St, Mansfield  4122

Directions: To access Weedon Street you must turn onto the Gateway Motorway on ramp from Mt. Gravatt-Capalaba Rd heading North. Weedon Street runs left almost immediately after getting on to the on ramp.

Please ensure you double check directions.

 Key Information

  • Key Contact: Tom Longworth – 0422 861 353
  • Competition Format: The competition has been split into TWO divisions. This was based on grading and also results over the first two weeks of games. Teams in the Mens 2 division will NOT play Semi-Finals. The top 2 teams in the Mens 2 division will play a Final in the last week. Teams in Mens 1 will play Semi-Finals with a 1v4 and 2v3 format.
  • PLAYER REGISTRATION: ALL players will need to sign the Team Registration Form for Week 1 to be covered for insurance and to be eligible for finals.
  • EXTRA BALL POLICY: To minimize delays and disruptions, we expect each team to bring a Size 5 ball to each game. Action 6 will always provide balls however if every team brings an extra ball games will flow much better. Please ensure you name your ball clearly.
  • SHIN GUARDS: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED players wear shin guards. Players not wearing shin guards do so at their own risk.
  • UNIFORMS: Teams have until Week 5 to sort out a Uniform. For at least week 1, please ensure your team is in the same colour.
  • Please note that the Goal Keeper must be in a different colour jersey to the rest of the team. REFEREES WEAR FLURO YELLOW. Please avoid this colour.
  • Finals: All teams play games in the Final weeks (Weeks 10&11). Only players registered by Week 8 are eligible for Finals.


Grand Final Prizes

Mens 1:  PENGUINS (defeated Salsa, 2-0):   Medallions+ Team Kit from Pontoon Sports + $125 OFF Next Season

Mens 2: UNATHLETICO (defeated Massive Duds, 4-2):   Medallions + $100 OFF Next Season

Wildcard Winner: Get Staffed : $100 OFF Next Season

Wildcard Ladder

Wildcard Wed


Action 6  Wednesday Mid-Season Write Up

Mens 1

What an awesome finish to the third Action 6 Mens 1 Premiership race. The Penguins in the end, reigned supreme (2-0) in what was a bizarre game at times. If you looked at the flow of possession and indeed, shots on goal, Salsa had the better of it in both halves but the Penguins are one hell of an efficient team taking their chances when they came. It was a great finish to their season and they were certainly not the favourites at the half-way mark. Tian should be proud of getting the very best out of his team. On the other side of the ledger, the Salsa boys – looking to go back to back – just did not have a very good night. They missed at least two sitters with no-one in goal. Despite falling at the last hurdle, they still had a very successful season and are definitely the most consistent side across the 3 seasons they have contested.

Whilst the Dragons FC team did not make the GF, they have an opportunity on Sunday to win a crown and their match fitness has certainly improved with multiple games of Action 6 each week. The thing I like about these guys is their passion for the game – they are always there at least 30 minutes before kick-off and the boys certainly play as a collective team unit. Whilst they did not come away with the chocolates this season, they are a team to watch in Winter.

New boys on the block Dragons F.C has totally changed the landscape of the top flight division and have burst out of the blocks flying to an incredible start. Reminiscent of Bayern Munich this season in the Bundesliga, Kiet and the boys currently sit close to double the amounts clear of second place. These guys have one of the best short passing games in Action 6 and they can work the ball from tight spots into open field in the space of 2 or three passes. It’s going to be a big challenge for any team to stop these guys.

Football Friends are full of football players – no doubt about that. They have great ball control and touch but at times, have just lacked that killer punch in front of goal. I get the feeling they will build on this season and I am expecting they will edge that bit closer, next time around. It was a very strong Division 1 and they did well to keep pace with what can only be called, “elite” company.

Making up the division this season were Get Staffed and Men in Black. Both sides had their ups and downs over the season but were certainly very competitive in their games. Get Staffed got right reward taking out the Wildcard competition – it was certainly a solid last few weeks for them. Men In Black also had a great Week 10 but lost their shootout with Get Staffed in Week 11. Both sides ooze potential – and with one or two more strike players, could easily have taken this competition out.

Mens 2

Unathletico FC were a rag tag team of nobodies in week 1 but by the end of this season, showed just how much potential they have and how far they have come with a razzle dazzle performance taking out the GF against the ‘Duds, 4-2. They surely must be pushing for a call-up to the top-flight division. Danh was heard mentioning the win was a result of Tim Swan’s absence – the lanky and ageing goalie-come-defender off to South Africa to watch football and drink bulk beer – tough life. For the Duds, they had another solid season – in fact they would not have looked out of place in Division 1 – they have that much potential. Unfortunately they struggled defensively at times in the GF but it was a still a very solid season.

You Reckon United were one of the best organised sides in the competition – they always had plenty of reserves and played with tremendous spirit. They did not have a season with the same success as the last but they still showed glimmours of their very best – especially at the back end of the season. They have been with us since the beginning and we appreciate their loyalty to the Action 6 cause which is putting outdoor 6-aside on the map in Brisbane! Thanks for a great season.

Finally we have the Ball Busters – wow, what a turn-around. After watching them try their darndest and get flogged early in the season, they brought the season home with so much gusto it was not funny. Even in week 11, playing a man down, they held onto a 1-1 draw. The improvement has been immense from these guys. The combinations up the guts of the field with Blake leading the way were at times, very silky and big Cal in goals, well he does not miss many. Well done guys – easily the most improved outfit in the competition.


Tim Swan & Tom Longworth