Thursday @ Mt Gravatt

Venue Location

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds 1644 Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt

 Key Information

  • Key Contact: Tim Swan – 0403 604 190
  • PLAYER REGISTRATION: ALL players will need to sign the Team Registration Form to be covered for insurance and to be eligible for finals.
  • FIXTURES: Fixtures for the rest of the season are now available by clicking the link below. Please note that these games are subject to change and must be checked regularly including on game day.
  • SHIN GUARDS: ALL players must wear shin guards. Referees will check shin guards before commencement of game. Limited supplies of basic Shin Guards will be available for sale on the night for $15.
  • UNIFORMS: Teams have until Week 4 to sort out a Uniform. For at least week 1, please ensure your team is in the same colour. Please note that the Goal Keeper must be in a different colour jersey to the rest of the team. REFEREES WEAR FLURO YELLOW. Please avoid this colour.
  • Finals: All teams play games in the Final weeks (Weeks 10&11). Only players registered by Week 8 are eligible for Finals
  • Wildcard: Teams not in Finals playe off for the Wildcard (see below).

Grand Final Winner

  • SALSA!: Medallions +$125 OFF next Season

Wildcard Winner: 

Action 6 would like to congratulate S.Cells United for their Wildcard Win.


Team P A F-A
S.Cells United 2 8 3 5
Ball Busters 2 9 10 -1
No Finish F.C 2 5 7 -2
Touched by an Uncle 2 3 7 -4
You Reckon United 2 7 11 -4

Action 6 Thursday End of Season Write-Up 

Grand Final 

It was always going to be a massive Grand Final for the first ever Thursday night Action 6 competition and for the two Finalist, Salsa! and Binjuice, it was a huge achievement to make it to the big game.

Salsa! went in as overwhelming favorites as these guys had well and truly topped the competition and had put together a commanding semi-final game against You Reckon United the week before. Binjuice however stood in their way and Staples and the boys had form of their own having won through in equally impressive fashion. 

It was Radcliffe’s Salsa! men who got out of the gates fastest and within 5mins of the first half they had put on a couple of quick goals. Their combinations in the midfield through Clarkey and Jesse was the catalyst, as it had been all season, of getting the ball near the top of the D where their left-footed super star Raz it’s almost a certainty to score from if given a metre of space. 

Binjuice are a competitive group though and while they struggled to get past the seemingly impenetrable Salsa! defense, they get at it for the entirety of the second half. A late penalty conceded by Salsa! from a goal keeping infringement saw the Binjuice get on the scoreboard but they unfortunately ran out of time to get more than 1 past their opponents. 

In the end Salsa! ran away with it 5-1 in what was a clinical display of Action 6. Congratulations to the boys who must now defend their title!

 Best of the Rest 

No Finish F.C entered the competition a couple of weeks into proceedings but Yianni and the boys made an immediate impact. These guys have got a high Football pedigree and they work the ball around the field with ease. They had a tough objective to make the finals and basically needed to win all their fixture games to secure a semi-final spot and unfortunately missed out by only a couple of competition points. Their Wildcard game against Salsa! saw them push the top team to a 1-3 loss and it’s a fair assumption to make that they were arguably one of the most competitive teams in the competition. 

S.Cells United were really developing into a fine tuned machine towards the back end of the season as their team chemistry developed. With the likes of Fish calling the shots through the middle and Matty ‘Hancock’ Li up front, they strung together some good results including beating Binjuice in week 9. Their ultimate game in Week 11 saw Jake almost* score a swag of goals if only the goals had have been a half meter wider! Big effort from the S.Cells and they’ll be back for another big Summer competition! 

Touched by An Uncle, under the leadership of Changa, marked their arrival on the social football scene with an impressive debut Action 6 season. Making it all the way to the semi-finals, these guys produced some classy counter-attacking football which suits the Action 6 format down to a tee. With valuable contributions from leading goal scorer Richie, the boys were looking the goods towards the end of the season. A move to Sunday afternoon is definitely on the cards for the lads and they’ll be well placed with a season to their name to make a big impact. 

You Reckon United were a team that really impressed me. With an awesome kit, plenty of passion and quality skills to match, they definitely weren’t out of place in the semi-finals. While they came up against a team that was in sensational form in the form of Salsa!, Jeff and the guys stuck to their guns and pressed hard against the overwhelming favorites the entire game. In their final game of the season, despite being a player down, they almost managed to snare an upset win! I think there is real potential in this squad and a split division on Wednesdays next week will be a big positive for their chances! 

Ball Busters were a team of two halves who would often start a game at a cracking pace and get a couple of quick goals before fading in the second half! Blake had a good squad at his disposal but should have used Cal up front more often as opposed to in goals! I think the squad that these guys had on the park in Week 11 is the one they should try get to the fields more often over summer as they had some genuinely impressive strikers last night who peppered the goals often from 20m out. I’d be surprised if they don’t win many more games over summer! 

Big thanks to all the Thursday teams for a great competition! 

Tim Swan