Summer Mondays @ Mt Gravatt

Venue Location

Wecker Road, Mt Gravatt

Please ensure you double check directions.

Key Information

  • Key Contact: Roger Hunter – 0438 318 555
  • Start Date: 28.09.2015
  • Grading: One Division (all teams play each other once – at this stage)
  • Player Registrations: In order to play Action 6, you must be registered. To register, you must follow the process as outlined in the email that went to your Captain. This process is also outlined HERE. Note: you only need to register online once (i.e online registration will carry over from the previous season).
  • EXTRA BALL POLICY: To minimize delays and disruptions, we expect each team to bring a Size 5 ball to each game. Action 6 will always provide balls however if every team brings an extra ball games will flow much better. Please ensure you name your ball clearly.
  • SHIN GUARDS: ALL players must encouraged to wear shin guards. Players not wearing shin guards do so at their own risk.
  • Please note that the Goal Keeper must be in a different colour jersey to the rest of the team. REFEREES WEAR FLURO YELLOW. Please avoid this colour.
  • Finals: All teams play games in the Final weeks (Weeks 10&11). Only players registered by Week 8 are eligible for Finals.



*The above fixtures are subject to change, please double check fixtures up to and including the day of competition.


To register for the Wednesday Spring 2015 season at Mansfield head to: JOIN PAGE